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Town of Holden
Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
January 21, 2009

6PM             HMLD

Present:        Chairman Chris Lucchesi, Karl Makela, Robert Beck, David Ellis, David White, Mary Ryan, Peter Liddy (left 6:55PM), Jack Chandler, George Sherrill

Absent: Rick Bates, Brian Forts,

Others Present: Michael McKeon, Kaestle Boos Associates, Paul McAndrew, Kaestle Boos Associates, Gary Kaczmarek, Clerk of the Works, Mike Pagano, Lamoureux Pagano Associates, Robert Para, Jr. Lamoureux Pagano Associates, Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

Others Absent:  Todd Costa, Kaestle Boos Associates, Corrine Sienna, Kaestle Boos Associates, Ken Costello, Kaestle Boos Associates

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:00PM.

Public Comment

No one from the public addressed the Committee.

Pre-Qualification Update

David White said that contractor qualification letters would be sent at the end of the week. He thanked Mr. Kaczmarek and Mr. Para for their help completing the pre-qualifying process.

Architect's Report

Paul McAndrew, KBA, presented the Architect's Report.

The Committee reviewed an updated Construction Document (CD) summary estimate. Full copies were given to Mr. Kaczmarek and Mr. Para. This is Daedalus' final estimate based on comments from all the engineering staff.

Mr. McKeon explained that the CD estimate increased due to the revised estimation of the removal of 5,500 cubic yards of unsuitable soil and 500 cubic yards of boulders.

The Committee discussed the process by which the cubic yardage was determined/calculated, and the true value costs associated with this process.

The Committee also held discussion regarding the design and pricing contingency, which began at 5% and has been reduced to 1%. Mr. McKeon with KBA stated that the design and pricing contingency is different than the construction contingency, which is included in the owner's project costs. Daedalus excludes the construction contingency from its estimate.

Mr. McAndrew stated that Mass Highway has determined that the Fire/Police/EMS sign must be on a "break-away". Mr. McAndrew handed out a sign design plan to meet the new requirement. The Committee reviewed the new plan. The sign can no longer sit on a base. In the new design, three separate granite blocks would "radiate in an arc" out from the sign to list EMS, Fire, and Police. The large granit block would be 8x3 with the smaller signs at 2 feet in height. Additionally, Mass Highway determined that the sign cannot be placed at its current location and must be moved closer to the building.  It would be parallel with the building and nearer to the Remembrance Garden. With the decreased visibility of the new sign, Mr. McKeon inquired if the Committee can justify spending that much money on a sign.

Chief Sherrill commented that in the winter, the smaller signs would be hidden in the snow.

Dave White commented that it was crazy to spend a lot of money on a sign that wouldn't be seen. He suggested a sign that mimic the other "ladder" type of signs found along Main Street. He suggested that the sign design be removed from the specifications. Once the building is complete and the site has been upgraded and landscaped, KBA and the Committee can determine a sign design that best suits the facility. The Committee agreed to remove the sign from the cost estimate and review the design at a later date.

KBA and the Committee reviewed an updated project schedule. Discussion was held regarding the proposed Document Print Date of January 30, 2009.

Mr. McKeon said that KBA was not where it hoped to be in the process to date. He said he hoped to have a print date set by January 30th. However, this date will not allow for a quality control review of the drawings and suggested that several days be added to the project schedule to allow for this process.

Chairman Lucchesi concurred and said that all professionals involved should feel comfortable with the final documents that are released.

It was agreed that February 11, 2009 would be the date that plans would be available for bidding purposes. Based on the February 11th date, the Bid Award would occur on April 8th. Mr. McKeon said that an additional week or two of review would not affect the construction process/schedule next fall/winter.

Mr. Pagano commented that items that were not provided in the 95% completion documents need to be given to LPA and KBA. LPA will need time to review these items prior to the final print.

KBA requested that the issue regarding temporary power to the site needs to be resolved.

Peter Liddy left the meeting at 6:55PM.

Mr. McAndrew stated that based on the Committee's input at the January 7, 2009 meeting, an additional heat pump has been added to the geothermal design.

KBA updated the Committee on "back-net" HVAC compatibility. Mr. McAndrew said that the bid documents should be open to any contractor, but would be written according to the Committee specifications. Dave White said that the HVAC system should be run by its own server and not controlled by a separate PC. He said that the specifications, as currently written, seem archaic. It was determined that the KBA engineer was unavailable for review and comment. These documents will be re-reviewed by KBA.

Project Management Report and Update

Mr. Para reviewed a schedule/summary of Open Issues with the Committee.

He expressed concern that the project is running over budget. With alternates, the project is estimated at 15.6M. FF&E came in higher than expected and some numbers need to be brought down. Money is running tight and the budget needs to be refined.

Mr. Kaczmarek updated the Committee on the geothermal wells. The first well was drilled to 1600 ft. The well did not hit water until 1460 ft, and only came in at 20 gallons/minute. Drilling to 1600 ft. increased water to 300 gallons/minute. A Draw Down test has still not been conducted.

Drilling on well #2 has begun - down 1000 ft. casing is in and grouted - 1500 ft. by 1/22.

The Committee discussed how to determine where the static waterline is and how much of the well the town owns. Mr. McKeon/KBA to seek clarification on the specification.

WV Engineering is still calculating the heating and cooling tonnage.

Radio Tower discussion. Mr. Para and Mr. Kacmarek held a meeting on January 14, 2009 to discuss how to break up the tower components for pricing purposes. Steve Child with S&S Tower and Wo-Rad have consulted on the pricing progress. Pricing was determined to be: cost of tower (25K) + installation (15-20K) = 40K + Antenna (10-12K) for a total cost of = 50+K. It was determined that the new tower will be installed, the system will be switched over, and then the old tower will be dismantled.

The Committee discussed the bid process of the components. While Motorola is on the State Bid List, they will be pricier and add on another 30-40% to the total cost. The other option would be to go out to bid in the Central Register. Based on the specs, hopefully, S&S Tower would be awarded the bid. However, the bid process will add a month to the project. The tower will take 2-3 weeks to build and 1 week to ship adding on another month to the project. Construction on the tower base can begin immediately. Mr. Lipka approved the base design.

Mr. Kaczmarek reported that Growth Management Director Dennis Lipka has reviewed the tower drawings and had several questions/concerns. Specifically, why is the tower 120 ft tall, why are drawings done by civil engineer not a structural engineer, and does the tower meet the town's fall zone requirement? Mr. Lipka was adamant about having a structural engineering stamp on the plans.

Mr. Kaczmarek said that the tower is meant to collapse on itself in place. The tower manufacturer was forwarding information to confirm this. He said that Chief Sherrill and Chief Chandler and Steve Child at S&S determined the height of the tower. The tower needs additional height because it is being moved down in back of building from the front and is losing height from the topographical relocation. Additionally, the tower will be used as a back-up radio tower in case primary towers fail and the 120-ft. height is required due to the town's topography.

Mr. Pagano said that he felt that the tower design did not meet Massachusetts Building Code criteria because a structural engineer did not design the tower.

It was determined that additional technical installation information needs to be included in the specifications prior to advertising the bid in the Central Register.

Mr. Kaczmarek said that he has obtained two Testing Services quotes and is still seeking a third quote. Mr. McKeon suggested that the Committee insert a subligation clause in the Testing Services contract and recommended keeping a close eye on their testing methods.

New Business

Temporary utilities will fall under the General Contractor purview.

A water system using geothermal well water for washing vehicles is included in the estimate.

Future Meetings: February 4th and February 18th.

Treasury Business

Mr. Makela presented bills for signature and payment.

Public Comment

No one came forward to address the Committee.


Motion by David White, seconded by Mary Ryan, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE JANUARY 21, 2009 MEETING AT 7:55PM.